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End of Season Approaching

posted by on October 16 2012

Greetings, Bananarchists!

As some of you know, the end of our season is October 31.  This means that we will be closed for the winter beginning November 1, and will remain closed until March.  You will have to listen to our seasonal sad voicemail greeting if you call us, and shiver in your threadbare nightdress by the embers of your summertime dreams.  You will look for us, but you will not find us (unless you go to extreme measures).

A couple things for the end of October:

  • GROUPON.  If you have a Groupon, it expires on October 31.  If you have a delivery Groupon, please be sure to schedule the delivery far enough in advance so that we can accommodate you!  Instructions for those with delivery Groupons are here.
  • OCTOBER 20.  We’ll be closing early for catering (around 7:30 p.m.) on Saturday, October 20.  We are taking the entire stand with us, so you won’t even be able to sneak in.
  • GRAND HIBERNATION PARTY.  Our third annual Grand Hibernation Party will take place on Monday, October 29.  More details on that to come.
Please keep the ephemeral nature of all existence in your minds and hearts as you prepare yourselves for the transition into this off-season.  Dates and times of candlelight vigils TBA.

Categories: News