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Opening March 10. Protest March 8.

posted by on March 1 2014

My dear bananarchists,

Bananarchist with protest sign

It has been a long time since we’ve seen some of you.  The winter has been harsh, and the hearts of some grew cold.  Please know that during this time we have been working behind the scenes toward the bananarchist cause, wrestling against our own natures to prevent ourselves from slipping into the apathy we were afraid would plague us.  Through this struggle, we visited other communities, raised awareness about bananarchist issues, and did time in several Latin American prisons.  In the end, our hearts awoke into a new, more ardent vision for frozen banana freedom.

We will be opening again for the season on March 10.

Before that, on the 8th, we will be protesting against Cakeism, materialism, Cupcakeism, Ice Creamism, and commercialism, etc. downtown from 1-8 pm at 6th and San Jacinto.  Come protest with us if you can and receive a coupon for a free frozen banana.  Stay updated on Twitter in case we have to move.

Thank you for keeping the hope and fighting the fight.


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